Showing posts with label interior design practical knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interior design practical knowledge. Show all posts

Sunday 21 November 2021

Interior Design Students Market survey for Flooring Products in Bhubaneswar

TRYTOON ACADEMY - Interior Design students Market survey for Flooring products at “Welspun Flooring”, BMC Bhawani Mall, Bhubaneswar 

Trytoon Academy of Interior Design College prefers Interior Design and detailing exposure for Interior Design Students and creates new exposure to ideas and thought process not only design but to create more reproductive and sustainable environment.

Trytoon Academy has its own motto that is 360 activities for Interior Design students which includes Interior Exhibitions, Interior Competitions, Interior Exposures, Industrial Visits, Sports, Interior Marketing Surveys & many more as well as live ongoing site works.

On 20th Nov 2021, Trytoon Academy arranged a market study for Interior Designing Department which was done at “Welspun Flooring”, BMC Bhawani Mall, Bhubaneswar. The study gave students an exposure to the variety of flooring products as well as the price and quality of products which will help them to grow their own knowledge about flooring of Interior Designing.

The Interior Design Students got many ideas about a part of Interior Designing process like, type & quality of products in the market, price range of the product.

Detailing of installation.

Various types of finishes, area of installation and different aspects of do's and don'ts.

Time saver and advanced design ideas.

This Market study was great experience for Interior Design Students which will help them gaining some practical knowledge in a wider scale apart from their regular syllabus in interior design quality of products.

Interior Design and detailing exposure, interior design practical knowledge, advanced design ideas, Interior Designing process, knowledge about flooring of Interior Designing, exposure to the variety of flooring products, Interior Exhibitions, Interior Competitions, Interior Exposures, Industrial Visits, Sports, Interior Marketing Surveys